When my husband and I had our daughter Eden, we quickly realized there’s no such thing as a free night. Each day became a balancing act of work schedules, school schedules, play schedules, and seemingly endless to-do lists.  The time needed for cooking and preparing a meal tended to be one of the first things to be sacrificed, and it was increasingly difficult to honor our commitment to quality time through family dinners.

Between work, activities, friends, and family, it can be difficult for you, like us, to find adequate time to prepare and enjoy a healthy meal at home with your family.  Which is exactly why we started Five Eggs: to make your busy life just a little bit easier by making your meals a little bit easier.  Whether you are gathering the family around the table or finding time to relax with friends and loved ones after a hectic day, we are proud to help give you back a little extra time for the things that are most important.

At Five Eggs, we want to help you sit down and eat together.

Sarah, Mike, & Eden

Five Eggs Gives Back:

At Five Eggs, we strive to serve our community the best way we can – with fresh, delicious meals cooked with love and delivered as conveniently as possible. But we know there are some problems we just can’t solve with a good meal. When we see those, we look for other ways to give back to the community we love. We’ve found that donations and giveaways are two things we can do to make the world – or at least our corner of it – a brighter place.  We are proud supporters of several local non-profits including Special Olympics Colorado, Kenzi’s Causes and many others.

Check out how we can cook for you!